Exterior Waterproofing

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Excavation is a waterproofing process completed outside of the home.

Dirt will be removed to gain access to the foundation of the house. It is done by hand (using shovel) or by machine.

Waterproofing from the exterior of the home is an option for many homeowners. It is a more expensive option of repair but based on your foundation, Anselmo will attend an onsite to give a quote for the repairs.


Weep Tile

A weeping tile is a porous pipe used for underground water collection or discharge. When the pipe is draining, it weeps or exudes liquids.

SureSeal can repair and/or clean out the existing weeping tile. These repairs are usually completed the same time of an exterior waterproofing repairs.


Window Well Repairs

And Installation

SureSeal offers repairs of window wells.

Window wells can leak from old debris build up, and causes the drainage system to fail. Some window wells need to be replaced depending on the condition and issue of leak.

Kindly contact us for an inspection from Anselmo.

Email admin@crackinjections.com

Phone: 416-878-7295